Mr dearest vagina,

‘We have been through a number of things together…

‘We have been through a number of things together… including a handful of yeast infections (yuck), awesome sex with different men (some average sex too…), sex with women, sex with toys…. and the ultimate gift of bearing two children, one of which did a helluva job ripping you open, requiring multiple stitches, with a tear still there as a reminder…

You have also had a number of haircuts throughout the years… sometimes no hair cut - very bushy, sometimes completely bald (that is not my favourite) and now the occasional hair cut always leaving some on top.

At the end of the day, we have always gotten along really well, and I have been proud to have you in my life.  I am thankful for your willingness to try many things, get creative and be a part of me.’


Dear Vagina,


Dear vagina,